Beach massage, right?
Recently, we have received several requests for massage on the beach. We used to perform massages on the beach when this business first started, but we soon discovered that the idea of a massage on the beach and the actual reality of receiving a massage on the beach were two different things…
We strive to ensure that our clients have an exceptional experience during our sessions. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that when we perform a massage on the beach. Here is a list of some of issues we ran into when doing massage on the beach:
BUGS: Mosquitos and various critters live by the beach, too!
SUN: The sun can get very hot, particularly during mid-day and if there is no shade.
WIND: We don’t want the sheets to blow away! Making sure the sheets stay put can be stressful to the client AND the massage therapist! Also, blowing sand can sting 🙁
RAIN: Soggy massage. Enough said.
NOISE: Kids, pets, and people having fun like to scream and yell. It’s the beach… I don’t blame them 😉
PRIVACY: Although it might be good marketing for others to see us giving massage on the beach, we want to respect our client’s privacy and not having prying eyes on you during the massage.
If you are pretty firm on getting a massage on the beach, I strongly recommend you inquire about resort massages. They usually have dedicated structures and areas that specifically address each of the issues mentioned above.
Hope this helps!
See you on the table,