Introducing our new Men’s Grooming Facial

Men's Facial


Includes facial and brow groom

60 Min $140  | 75 Min $170 | 90 Min $190 | 120 Min $240

Add Fruit Enzyme Peel  |  $20

Men!  Restore your skin with this deeply relaxing, gentle yet result-driven facial.   Impress your loved ones and the ones you want to love. Your face will look cleaner and brighter to all around you.

A blend of fruit enzymes offers appropriate exfoliation. Relieve ingrown hairs, extract from pores, brighten discoloration and deeply cleanse your skin. Clean up unnecessary excess eyebrow hair leaving a groomed yet natural brow. Includes, trim, wax, and tweeze.  Relieve tension with a facial, shoulder, and scalp massage.  Absorb targeted face masks loaded with multivitamin elixirs to reveal smoother, even, glowing skin.