Massage as a back pain killer (Part 2)

Massage as a back pain killer (Part 2)

How massage can help beat back pain (Part 1 here) A massage session doesn’t just relax you, it can help to promote tissue repair, improve the blood circulation and does wonders for your stress levels and mood. Recent research showed that regular massage therapy...

Massage as a back-pain killer (Part 1)

A regular massage is often considered to be a treat, rather than a necessity. Most people believe that having a deep tissue massage is good for aches and pains, or can help if they’ve overdone the exercise. Not everybody realizes that massage therapy is also a...

Taming your Tension (Part 1)

  Muscle tension is like a car that’s idling too fast. The car is revved up and working hard but nothing useful is happening. There’s more wear and tear on the motor. Not only that, but the motor is burning more fuel and creating more pollution. With...