Couples outcall massage, mobile anywhere to Maui!
I originally found this here. Really straight-forward, good advice. Because I am biased, however, I would like to throw in #6 as get a massage on Maui!
See you on the table!
How do you recover from a Hawaii (Maui) vacation? Our top five suggestions follow together with five added ideas from other visitors.
Numerous studies have been published that seek to evaluate the effects of vacation on health and well-being including this one from the Journal of Occupational Health. Virtually all have found that vacation has a positive impact in a number of areas. This study points out, however, that the effects can be (painfully) short-lasting, as well as that more research in the area is needed.
Another survey sponsored by Kellogg’s studied 500 American women age 45 and older who just returned from vacation. We’re not sure where the men were in the study. While the results indicated that more fiber and Kellogg’s products could help, we thought the results were interesting:
- 71 percent of women 45 and older said they have felt tired, bloated or heavy post-vacation;
- 56 percent agreed they don’t always feel rejuvenated after the break; and
- 46 percent said being on, or returning from vacation makes them feel sluggish.
While we don’t have any scientific data to include, following are four common sense suggestions on how to recover from your Maui vacation and continue to incorporate that island state of mind.
1. Be rested before the trip to Maui.
If you’re tired before and during the vacation, you’ll probably feel worse when you return home. Give yourself the day off from work before traveling to Hawaii. Be packed ahead of time so the last day is not as stressful. Chances are this will make your vacation more relaxed and help you feel refreshed at the end.
2. Pace yourself on arrival back home.
It’s been a long flight with a time change. Keep activities the first day easy. Make sure you’ve scheduled a day off from work before returning. Give yourself time to ease back into your life, look at trip photos, unpack and catch up with family and friends. Without this you’re almost guaranteed a pressure cooker result.
3. Resume exercise on return.
Exercise is always something to include in a vacation. Getting back to an exercise routine at home is just good sense, albeit difficult.
4. Keep vacation reminders at hand.
You’re going to have post-vacation blues and miss the islands. Wear an aloha shirt, listen to Hawaiian music, do things that remind you of your blissful time away. This may be a good time to start planning your next trip.